How to Enroll

Enrolling for studies in GBM Academy

Welcome to GBM Academy, here is your step by step guide on how to enroll as a student/partner with us and study on any of the GBM Schools.

Step 1 – Student/Partner Application

Make sure that you have filled out your student application here:

The student/partner application is done on GBM Academy only once, and creates a student record for you.

Make sure that you fill out your details correctly on the form, such as email and password. Your email address must be the one you will use for your account going forward.

Additional Step – Student Evaluation

Upon completing your student registration you will be required to complete a ministry evaluation. You can do so on the evaluation website here:

Make sure you have registered first because we have to create a login record for you. You need to log into the website to save your evaluation results.

Step 2 – Make Payment

After you have applied and we have confirmed your evaluation, we require that you start a monthly partner contribution with us in order to access the schools.

If you have not yet started paying – Then please go initiate your first payment here:

If you already are paying us – Then you DO NOT need to start a new payment, you are already a contributing partner. Only one monthly payment is required for both student and partner benefits.

If you are unsure what to do about your payment, then please contact us first to confirm.

Now that you have applied as a student and made payment, we need to give you partner access. Please allow a day for us to confirm we got your payment and give you access.

Step 3 – Enroll in a School

Once you are a paying partner, we will enroll you in the school that you selected during your registration. If your evaluation showed that you should be in a different school, we may recommend you study a different school from what you selected.

There are several GBM Academy Schools (All schools are listed here). We will usually enroll you in one school to get started. To be enrolled in an additional school you will need to contact us first. We will then enroll you in the school if we believe it will be a good fit for you.

You will be notified by email if you are enrolled in a school. Make sure to check your spam and junk folders if you are using something like Gmail as emails from new people can sometimes be blocked.

After you are enrolled in a school, you simply need to go to the website and login at the top of the page.

The Login button

After this, login with the email and password you chose when you signed up.

Login with email and password

After a successful login, it will show your name at the top of the page. This confirms that you are logged in correctly.

You will not be able to login until you have completed your student/partner application and made payment.

If it says welcome on the top, you are logged in correctly

If you are not yet enrolled in the school you will see the “Enroll” button. But if you have been enrolled you will see the “My Courses” button.

Step 4 – Study

You should have now been enrolled in the school of your choosing. On the home page of the school website you should see the “My Courses” button at the top of the page.

The My Courses button lets you access studies

This is where you will be able to view your available course lessons.

Your studies look like this

You are now ready to begin your studies with GBM Academy. Read the How to Study page to learn more about how you should study with us.

We hope that you are abundantly blessed by these schools. If you have any questions about the websites or need help, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How To Study Page – >

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